开发板Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3
Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3是一款基于express的物联网迷你开发板 ESP32-C3 WiFi/蓝牙双模芯片ESP32-C3是一款32位RISC-V CPU,包含一个FPU(浮点单元),用于32位单精度运算,具有强大的计算能力。 它具有出色的射频性能,支持IEEE 802.11 b/g/n WiFi和蓝牙5 (LE)协议。该电路板附带一个外部天线,以增加无线应用程序的信号强度。 它还具有小巧精致的外形,并结合了单面表面贴装设计。 它配备了丰富的接口,具有11个数字I/O,可作为PWM引脚和4个模拟I/O,可作为ADC引脚。支持UART、I2C、SPI等4种串行接口。在电路板上还有一个小的复位按钮和一个引导加载模式按钮。
ADC评估板核心是AD7606C-18,AD7606C-18是一款18位、同步采样、模数转换数据采集系统(DAS),具有八个通道。每个通道均包含模拟输入箝位保护、可编程增益放大器(PGA)、低通滤波器(LPF)和18位逐次逼近寄存器(SAR)模数转换器(ADC)。AD7606C-18还包含灵活的数字滤波器、低漂移、2.5 V精密基准电压源和用于驱动ADC的基准电压源缓冲区,以及灵活的并行和串行接口。
AD7606C-18采用5 V单电源供电,在所有通道以1 MSPS的吞吐量采样时,可适应以下输入范围:
双极单端:±12.5 V、±10 V、±6.25 V、±5 V和±2.5 V
单极单端:0 V至12.5 V、0 V至10 V和0 V至5 V
双极差分:±20 V、±12.5 V、±10 V和±5 V
输入箝位保护可承受高达±21 V的电压。由于采用单电源供电、片内滤波和高输入阻抗,因此无需外部驱动运算放大器(这些放大器需要双极电源)。对于吞吐率较低的应用,AD7606C-18灵活数字滤波器可用于提高噪声性能。
每个通道可选择高带宽模式(220 kHz)
官网提供的原理图是空的,只有根据用户手册提供的说明使用了,官方手册使用的是EVAL-SDP-CH1Z (SDP-H1)这款FPGA开发板进行驱动,直接连接到底部HGDC接口。AD7606系列采用5V电源:
评估板带有转5V和3.3V LDO,通信逻辑接口电平是3.3V。
RESET: 接MCU I/O, 配置输出模式,默认给低,高电平复位。
CONVST: 接MCU I/O,配置输出模式,当CONVST引脚从低电平转换为高电平时,ADC对模拟输入进行采样。
BUSY: 接MCU I/O, 配置输入模式,ADC转换完成时拉低。
FRSTDATA: 接MCU I/O, 配置输入模式,指示第一个通道V1正在回读(第18个时钟边沿后拉低)。这个管脚可以不接。
DB13/SDI: 主机输出从机输入MOSI
C_S_: 片选CS
#ifndef AD7606C_H #define AD7606C_H #include "arduino.h" #include <SPI.h> #define ADC_ALL_CH 8 #define PN20V0 0.00015258f #define PN12V5 0.00009536f #define PN10V0 0.00007629f #define PN6V25 0.00004768f #define PN5V00 0.00003815f #define PN2V50 0.00001907f #define PP12V5 0.00004768f #define PP10V0 0.00003815f #define PP5V00 0.00001907f /*code to voltage*/ #define C2V(code, range_lsb) (code) * range_lsb enum { ADC_CH1 = 0x0, ADC_CH2 = 0x1, ADC_CH3 = 0x2, ADC_CH4 = 0x3, ADC_CH5 = 0x4, ADC_CH6 = 0x5, ADC_CH7 = 0x6, ADC_CH8 = 0x7 }; enum { BIPOLAR_MODE = 0, UNIPOLAR_MODE = 1 }; class AD7606C { protected: uint8_t _RESET; uint8_t _CS; uint8_t _CONVST; uint8_t _FRSTDATA; uint8_t _BUSY; uint8_t _OS0; uint8_t _OS1; uint8_t _OS2; uint8_t _RANGE; uint8_t data_inc_status; void reset(); void ipulse(uint8_t pin); public: void setOversampling(uint8_t); void setRange(bool); // uint16_t debug_val; }; class AD7606C_Serial : public AD7606C { protected: #define HSPI_MISO D9 #define HSPI_MOSI D10 #define HSPI_SCLK D8 #define HSPI_SS D7 SPIClass *hspi = NULL; uint8_t channel_mode[ADC_ALL_CH]; public: AD7606C_Serial(int CONVST, int BUSY); uint8_t read_reg(uint8_t, uint8_t *); uint8_t write_reg(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t reg_val); uint8_t write_and_chk_reg(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t reg_val); void convert_18bit_to_32bit(int32_t *unsigned_val, int32_t srcsz, int32_t *pdst); uint8_t data_read(int32_t *data); int32_t read(int32_t *data); // Read raw values from ADC int32_t fast_read(int32_t *data); // fast read last conv raw values from ADC void config(void); void debug(void); uint8_t check_id(void); void get_all_reg_val(void); void test_reg_rw(void); }; #endif
#include "AD7606C.h" #define AD7606_REG_STATUS 0x01 #define AD7606_REG_CONFIG 0x02 #define AD7606_REG_RANGE_CH_ADDR(ch) (0x03 + ((ch) >> 1)) #define AD7606_REG_BANDWIDTH 0x07 #define AD7606_REG_OVERSAMPLING 0x08 #define AD7606_REG_GAIN_CH(ch) (0x09 + (ch)) #define AD7606_REG_OFFSET_CH(ch) (0x11 + (ch)) #define AD7606_REG_PHASE_CH(ch) (0x19 + (ch)) #define AD7606_REG_DIGITAL_DIAG_ENABLE 0x21 #define AD7606_REG_DIGITAL_DIAG_ERR 0x22 #define AD7606_REG_OPEN_DETECT_ENABLE 0x23 #define AD7606_REG_OPEN_DETECTED 0x24 #define AD7606_REG_AIN_OV_UV_DIAG_ENABLE 0x25 #define AD7606_REG_AIN_OV_DIAG_ERROR 0x26 #define AD7606_REG_AIN_UV_DIAG_ERROR 0x27 #define AD7606_REG_DIAGNOSTIC_MUX_CH(ch) (0x28 + ((ch) >> 1)) #define AD7606_REG_OPEN_DETECT_QUEUE 0x2C #define AD7606_REG_CLK_FS_COUNTER 0x2D #define AD7606_REG_CLK_OS_COUNTER 0x2E #define AD7606_REG_ID 0x2F #define DATA_SIZE 28 // Reset the AD7606 void AD7606C::reset() { digitalWrite(_RESET, 1); delayMicroseconds(1); digitalWrite(_RESET, 0); delayMicroseconds(1); } void AD7606C::setOversampling(uint8_t times) { times > 6 ? times = 6 : times; pinMode(_OS0, OUTPUT); pinMode(_OS1, OUTPUT); pinMode(_OS2, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(_OS0, bitRead(B001, times)); digitalWrite(_OS1, bitRead(B010, times)); digitalWrite(_OS2, bitRead(B100, times)); } void AD7606C::setRange(bool range) { pinMode(_RANGE, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(_RANGE, range); } // Send a pulse to 0 or more pin for 1us void AD7606C::ipulse(uint8_t pin) { digitalWrite(pin, LOW); digitalWrite(pin, LOW); /* wait LP_CNV time */ digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); } AD7606C_Serial::AD7606C_Serial(int CONVST, int BUSY) { _CONVST = CONVST; pinMode(_CONVST, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(_CONVST, 0); _BUSY = BUSY; pinMode(_BUSY, INPUT_PULLUP); hspi = new SPIClass(SPI); hspi->begin(HSPI_SCLK, HSPI_MISO, HSPI_MOSI, HSPI_SS); pinMode(hspi->pinSS(), OUTPUT); digitalWrite(hspi->pinSS(), HIGH); data_inc_status = 0; } // AD7606C_Serial::AD7606C_Serial(int FRSTDATA, int BUSY, int RESET) // { // _RESET = RESET; // pinMode(_RESET, OUTPUT); // _BUSY = BUSY; // pinMode(_BUSY, OUTPUT); // _FRSTDATA = FRSTDATA; // pinMode(_FRSTDATA, INPUT); // hspi = new SPIClass(HSPI); // default 12:SPI2_MISO 13:SPI2_MOSI 14:SPI2_SCLK 15:SPI2_CS // #ifndef ALTERNATE_PINS // // initialise hspi with default pins // // SCLK = 14, MISO = 12, MOSI = 13, SS = 15 // hspi->begin(); // #else // // alternatively route through GPIO pins // hspi->begin(HSPI_SCLK, HSPI_MISO, HSPI_MOSI, HSPI_SS); // SCLK, MISO, MOSI, SS // #endif // pinMode(hspi->pinSS(), OUTPUT); // VSPI SS // digitalWrite(hspi->pinSS(), HIGH); // data_inc_status = 0; // } // AD7606C_Serial::AD7606C_Serial(int FRSTDATA, int BUSY, int RESET, int OS0, int OS1, int OS2, int RANGE) // { // _RESET = RESET; // pinMode(_RESET, OUTPUT); // _BUSY = BUSY; // pinMode(_BUSY, OUTPUT); // _OS0 = OS0; // pinMode(_OS0, OUTPUT); // _OS1 = OS1; // pinMode(_OS1, OUTPUT); // _OS2 = OS2; // pinMode(_OS2, OUTPUT); // _RANGE = RANGE; // pinMode(_RANGE, OUTPUT); // _FRSTDATA = FRSTDATA; // pinMode(_FRSTDATA, INPUT); // hspi = new SPIClass(HSPI); // default 12:SPI2_MISO 13:SPI2_MOSI 14:SPI2_SCLK 15:SPI2_CS // #ifndef ALTERNATE_PINS // // initialise hspi with default pins // // SCLK = 14, MISO = 12, MOSI = 13, SS = 15 // hspi->begin(); // #else // // alternatively route through GPIO pins // hspi->begin(HSPI_SCLK, HSPI_MISO, HSPI_MOSI, HSPI_SS); // SCLK, MISO, MOSI, SS // #endif // pinMode(hspi->pinSS(), OUTPUT); // VSPI SS // digitalWrite(hspi->pinSS(), HIGH); // data_inc_status = 0; // } #define NO_OS_BIT(x) (1 << (x)) #define AD7606_RD_FLAG_MSK(x) (NO_OS_BIT(6) | ((x) & 0x3F)) #define AD7606_WR_FLAG_MSK(x) ((x) & 0x3F) /** * @brief Read a device register via SPI. * * This function performs CRC8 computation and checking if enabled in the device. * * @param reg_addr - Register address in device memory. * @param reg_val - Pointer to the location where to store the register value. * * @return ret - return code. * @note ad7606c-18 ds P.47 */ uint8_t AD7606C_Serial::read_reg(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_val) { static uint16_t data_temp; static uint8_t ret; // data_temp = (0x2 | (reg_addr & 0x3F) << 2) << 8;// 0x3F is mask 0bxx111111 shit!!! data_temp = AD7606_RD_FLAG_MSK(reg_addr) << 8; hspi->beginTransaction(SPISettings(1000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE2)); digitalWrite(hspi->pinSS(), LOW); // pull SS slow to prep other end for transfer hspi->transfer16(data_temp); // 发送第1帧 digitalWrite(hspi->pinSS(), HIGH); // pull ss high to signify end of data transfer delayMicroseconds(1); digitalWrite(hspi->pinSS(), LOW); // pull SS slow to prep other end for transfer *reg_val = hspi->transfer16(data_temp) & 0xFF; // 发送第2帧(与第1帧内容相同) 并且取低8位为寄存器内容 digitalWrite(hspi->pinSS(), HIGH); // pull ss high to signify end of data transfer hspi->endTransaction(); return ret; } /** * @brief Write a device register via SPI. * * This function performs CRC8 computation and checking if enabled in the device. * * @param reg_addr - Register address in device memory. * @param reg_data - Value to write to register. * * @return ret - return code. * Example: -EIO - SPI communication error. * -ENOTSUP - Device not in software mode. * -EBADMSG - CRC computation mismatch. * 0 - No errors encountered. */ uint8_t AD7606C_Serial::write_reg(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t reg_val) { static uint16_t data_temp; static uint8_t ret; static uint8_t debug; /* Dummy read to place the chip in register mode. */ read_reg(reg_addr, &debug); data_temp = AD7606_WR_FLAG_MSK(reg_addr) << 8 | (reg_val & 0xFF); hspi->beginTransaction(SPISettings(2000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE2)); digitalWrite(hspi->pinSS(), LOW); // pull SS slow to prep other end for transfer debug = hspi->transfer16(data_temp) & 0xFF; // 发送第1帧 digitalWrite(hspi->pinSS(), HIGH); // pull ss high to signify end of data transfer hspi->endTransaction(); return ret; } uint8_t AD7606C_Serial::write_and_chk_reg(uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t reg_val) { static uint16_t data_temp; static uint8_t ret; static uint8_t debug; static uint8_t data_rd; /* Dummy read to place the chip in register mode. */ read_reg(reg_addr, &debug); data_temp = AD7606_WR_FLAG_MSK(reg_addr) << 8 | (reg_val & 0xFF); hspi->beginTransaction(SPISettings(2000000, MSBFIRST, SPI_MODE2)); digitalWrite(hspi->pinSS(), LOW); // pull SS slow to prep other end for transfer debug = hspi->transfer16(data_temp) & 0xFF; // 发送第1帧 digitalWrite(hspi->pinSS(), HIGH); // pull ss high to signify end of data transfer hspi->endTransaction(); read_reg(reg_addr, &data_rd); if (data_rd != reg_val) { Serial.printf("[error]reg write fail!\r\n"); ret = 1; } return ret; } uint8_t AD7606C_Serial::check_id(void) { uint8_t ret = 0; uint8_t byte1; read_reg(0x2F, &byte1); if ((byte1 & 0xF0) == 0x30) { if ((byte1 & 0x0F) != 0x02) { Serial.printf("[error]SILICON_REVISION is not 0x02, is:0x%x\r\n", byte1); ret = 2; } else { Serial.printf("DEV_ID:D7606C-18 generic. SILICON_REVISION:0x%x\r\n", byte1 & 0x0F); } } else { ret = 1; Serial.printf("[error]DEV_ID is not D7606C-18 generic or AD7606C Init fail! data:0x%x\r\n", byte1); } return ret; } void AD7606C_Serial::get_all_reg_val(void) { uint8_t byte1; for (uint8_t i = 0x01; i < 0x30; i++) { read_reg(i, &byte1); Serial.printf("[debug]reg:0x%2x,data:0x%2x\r\n", i, byte1); } } static const uint16_t tconv_max[] = { 1, /* AD7606_OSR_1 */ 3, /* AD7606_OSR_2 */ 5, /* AD7606_OSR_4 */ 10, /* AD7606_OSR_8 */ 20, /* AD7606_OSR_16 */ 41, /* AD7606_OSR_32 */ 81, /* AD7606_OSR_64 */ 162, /* AD7606_OSR_128 */ 324 /* AD7606_OSR_256 */ }; /** * @enum ad7606_osr * @brief Oversampling ratio */ enum ad7606_osr { /** Oversample by 1 */ AD7606_OSR_1, /** Oversample by 2 */ AD7606_OSR_2, /** Oversample by 4 */ AD7606_OSR_4, /** Oversample by 8 */ AD7606_OSR_8, /** Oversample by 16 */ AD7606_OSR_16, /** Oversample by 32 */ AD7606_OSR_32, /** Oversample by 64 */ AD7606_OSR_64, /** Oversample by 128, available for chips that have software mode only */ AD7606_OSR_128, /** Oversample by 256, available for chips that have software mode only */ AD7606_OSR_256 }; void AD7606C_Serial::config(void) { uint8_t byte1; check_id(); write_and_chk_reg(AD7606_REG_CONFIG, 0x00); // CONFIG 0x02(数据中增加状态位,用于区分通道x的数据) // write_and_chk_reg(AD7606_REG_CONFIG, 0x02);data_inc_status = 1; write_and_chk_reg(AD7606_REG_BANDWIDTH, 0x00); // 全部使用低带宽 // write_and_chk_reg(AD7606_REG_OVERSAMPLING, 0xF8); // 使用最大过采样率 AD7606_OSR_256 & OS_PAD = 16 => busy=494.6us write_and_chk_reg(AD7606_REG_OVERSAMPLING, 0x08); // 使用最大过采样率 AD7606_OSR_256 & OS_PAD = 0 => busy=255.6us write_and_chk_reg(AD7606_REG_RANGE_CH_ADDR(1), 0xBB); // channel1 & channel2 => ±20 V differential range write_and_chk_reg(AD7606_REG_RANGE_CH_ADDR(3), 0x5B); // channel3 => ±20 V differential range channel4 => 0 V to 5 V single-ended range. write_and_chk_reg(AD7606_REG_RANGE_CH_ADDR(5), 0x65); // channel5 => 0 V to 5 V single-ended range channel6 => 0 V to 10 V single-ended range. write_and_chk_reg(AD7606_REG_RANGE_CH_ADDR(7), 0x15); // channel7 => 0 V to 5 V single-ended range channel8 => ±5 V single-ended range. channel_mode[ADC_CH1] = BIPOLAR_MODE; channel_mode[ADC_CH2] = BIPOLAR_MODE; channel_mode[ADC_CH3] = BIPOLAR_MODE; channel_mode[ADC_CH4] = UNIPOLAR_MODE; channel_mode[ADC_CH5] = UNIPOLAR_MODE; channel_mode[ADC_CH6] = UNIPOLAR_MODE; channel_mode[ADC_CH7] = UNIPOLAR_MODE; channel_mode[ADC_CH8] = BIPOLAR_MODE; write_reg(0, 0); // exti register mode & get into ADC mode } /* Internal function to copy the content of a buffer in 18-bit chunks to a 32-bit buffer by * extending the chunks to 32-bit size. */ static int32_t cpy18b32b(uint8_t *psrc, uint32_t srcsz, uint32_t *pdst) { unsigned int i, j; if (srcsz % 9) return 1; for (i = 0; i < srcsz; i += 9) { j = 4 * (i / 9); pdst[j + 0] = ((uint32_t)(psrc[i + 0] & 0xff) << 10) | ((uint32_t)psrc[i + 1] << 2) | ((uint32_t)psrc[i + 2] >> 6); pdst[j + 1] = ((uint32_t)(psrc[i + 2] & 0x3f) << 12) | ((uint32_t)psrc[i + 3] << 4) | ((uint32_t)psrc[i + 4] >> 4); pdst[j + 2] = ((uint32_t)(psrc[i + 4] & 0x0f) << 14) | ((uint32_t)psrc[i + 5] << 6) | ((uint32_t)psrc[i + 6] >> 2); pdst[j + 3] = ((uint32_t)(psrc[i + 6] & 0x03) << 16) | ((uint32_t)psrc[i + 7] << 8) | ((uint32_t)psrc[i + 8] >> 0); } return 0; } /* Internal function to copy the content of a buffer in 26-bit chunks to a 32-bit buffer by * extending the chunks to 32-bit size. */ static int32_t cpy26b32b(uint8_t *psrc, uint32_t srcsz, uint32_t *pdst) { unsigned int i, j; if (srcsz % 13) return 1; for (i = 0; i < srcsz; i += 13) { j = 4 * (i / 13); pdst[j + 0] = ((uint32_t)(psrc[i + 0] & 0xff) << 18) | ((uint32_t)psrc[i + 1] << 10) | ((uint32_t)psrc[i + 2] << 2) | ((uint32_t)psrc[i + 3] >> 6); pdst[j + 1] = ((uint32_t)(psrc[i + 3] & 0x3f) << 20) | ((uint32_t)psrc[i + 4] << 12) | ((uint32_t)psrc[i + 5] << 4) | ((uint32_t)psrc[i + 6] >> 4); pdst[j + 2] = ((uint32_t)(psrc[i + 6] & 0x0f) << 22) | ((uint32_t)psrc[i + 7] << 14) | ((uint32_t)psrc[i + 8] << 6) | ((uint32_t)psrc[i + 9] >> 2); pdst[j + 3] = ((uint32_t)(psrc[i + 9] & 0x03) << 24) | ((uint32_t)psrc[i + 10] << 16) | ((uint32_t)psrc[i + 11] << 8) | ((uint32_t)psrc[i + 12] >> 0); } return 0; } void AD7606C_Serial::convert_18bit_to_32bit(int32_t *unsigned_val, int32_t srcsz, int32_t *pdst) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < srcsz; i++) { // #Twos Complement Output Coding // Bipolar Analog Input Ranges if (channel_mode[i] == 0) // BIPOLAR_MODE { pdst[i] = (unsigned_val[i] & 0x00020000) ? (unsigned_val[i] | 0xFFFC0000) : unsigned_val[i]; } else // UNIPOLAR_MODE { pdst[i] = unsigned_val[i]; } } } /** * @brief Read conversion data. * * --TODO:-This function performs CRC16 computation and checking if enabled in the device. * If the status is enabled in device settings, each sample of data will contain * status information in the lowest 8 bits. * * The output buffer provided by the user should be as wide as to be able to * contain 1 sample from each channel since this function reads conversion data * across all channels. * * @param data - Pointer to location of buffer where to store the data. * * @return ret - return code. * Example: 1 - xxx error. * 0 - No errors encountered. */ uint8_t AD7606C_Serial::data_read(int32_t *data) { uint8_t ret; uint32_t sz; int32_t i; uint16_t crc, icrc; uint8_t bits = 18; uint8_t sbits = data_inc_status ? 8 : 0; uint8_t nchannels = 8; uint32_t data_temp[DATA_SIZE]; uint8_t data_buf[DATA_SIZE] = {0x00}; sz = nchannels * (bits + sbits); /* Number of bits to read, corresponds to SCLK cycles in transfer. * This should always be a multiple of 8 to work with most SPI's. * With this chip family this holds true because we either: * - multiply 8 channels * bits per sample * - multiply 4 channels * bits per sample (always multiple of 2) * Therefore, due to design reasons, we don't check for the * remainder of this division because it is zero by design. */ sz /= 8; // 不包含status时为18个 memset(data_buf, 0, sz); digitalWrite(hspi->pinSS(), LOW); // pull SS slow to prep other end for transfer portDISABLE_INTERRUPTS(); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < sz; i++) { data_buf[i] = hspi->transfer(0x00); } portENABLE_INTERRUPTS(); digitalWrite(hspi->pinSS(), HIGH); // pull ss high to signify end of data transfer switch (bits) { case 18: if (data_inc_status) { ret = cpy26b32b(data_buf, sz, data_temp); // TODO: } else { ret = cpy18b32b(data_buf, sz, data_temp); convert_18bit_to_32bit((int32_t *)data_temp, 8, data); } if (ret) return ret; break; // case 16: // for (i = 0; i < nchannels; i++) // { // if (data_inc_status) // { // data[i] = (uint32_t)dev->data[i * 3] << 16; // data[i] |= (uint32_t)dev->data[i * 3 + 1] << 8; // data[i] |= (uint32_t)dev->data[i * 3 + 2]; // } // else // { // data[i] = (uint32_t)dev->data[i * 2] << 8; // data[i] |= (uint32_t)dev->data[i * 2 + 1]; // } // } // break; default: ret = 1; break; }; return ret; } /** * @brief Blocking conversion start and data read. * * This function performs a conversion start and then proceeds to reading * the conversion data. * * @param data - Pointer to location of buffer where to store the data. * * @return ret - return code. * 0 - No errors encountered. */ int32_t AD7606C_Serial::read(int32_t *data) { int32_t ret; uint8_t busy; uint32_t timeout = tconv_max[AD7606_OSR_256]; ipulse(_CONVST); /* Wait for BUSY falling edge */ while (timeout) { if (digitalRead(_BUSY) == 0) break; delayMicroseconds(1); timeout--; } if (timeout == 0) { Serial.printf("[error]timeout\r\n"); return 1; } return data_read(data); } int32_t AD7606C_Serial::fast_read(int32_t *data) { int32_t ret; uint8_t busy; uint32_t timeout = tconv_max[AD7606_OSR_256]; ipulse(_CONVST); data_read(data); // get last sample data /* Wait for BUSY falling edge */ while (timeout) { if (digitalRead(_BUSY) == 0) break; delayMicroseconds(1); timeout--; } if (timeout == 0) { Serial.printf("[error]timeout\r\n"); return 1; } return 0; }
#include "AD7606C.h" #define ADC_CONVST D0 #define ADC_BUSY D1 int32_t adc_raw_data[ADC_ALL_CH]; float adc_disp_val[ADC_ALL_CH]; AD7606C_Serial AD7606C_18(ADC_CONVST, ADC_BUSY); #define RESET D2 //out #define FRSTDATA D3 //in First Data Output. The FRSTDATA output signal indicates when the first channel, V1, is being read back on the parallel interface or the serial interface. void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(RESET, OUTPUT); pinMode(FRSTDATA, INPUT); digitalWrite(RESET, HIGH); delay(1); digitalWrite(RESET, LOW); Serial.println("ad7606 config begin"); delay(100); Serial.println("ad7606 config begin"); AD7606C_18.config(); Serial.println("ad7606 config end"); } void loop() { AD7606C_18.fast_read(adc_raw_data); adc_disp_val[ADC_CH1] = C2V(adc_raw_data[ADC_CH1], PP5V00); Serial.println(adc_disp_val[ADC_CH1]); delay(1000); }