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作者: 时间:2012-05-14 来源:网络 收藏






  下一个考虑什么是定义最大幅度误差的基础。在所有系统中,ADC输入信号路径终端的模拟部分,通过扩充,ADC的分辨率定义了误差的影响因素。这篇文章使用ADC分辨率的½ LSB误差作为最大误差。随着ADC分辨率的增加,最大误差减小。表1显示了8到18位ADC分辨率的½ LSB误差。

8到18位ADC分辨率的½ LSB误差








  下一步是找到特定频率,在这个频率增益误差等于指定位分辨率ADC的½ LSB。公式4为假定ADC分辨率的情况下,计算½LSB误差(表1)。







  Decompensating amplifiers improve performance

  Manufacturers offering unity-gain-stable amplifiers hope to address a wide market and minimize the effort of learning to use the devices. Yet these vendors sacrifice a significant portion of the potential ac performance. Learn when to consider decompensated amplifiers and what they can offer you.

  By Walter Bacharowski, National Semiconductor -- EDN, 12/3/2007

  Designers often want to minimize amplitude error in sensor-based systems. This goal often leads to specifying the gain error of an amplifier’s closed-loop gain over the frequency range of the sensor. Engineers commonly specify the bandwidth of an amplifier in terms of its –3-dB frequency, but, from a gain-accuracy point of view, almost a 30% gain error occurs at this frequency. The term “effective bandwidth” connects the frequency response of the amplifier and the gain accuracy that the application requires. You define the effective bandwidth as the bandwidth for which the gain error is less than or equal to a specified error.

  Effective bandwidth

  Sensors have a relatively low frequency response, and, at lower frequencies, the gain error due to finite open-loop gain is small. You can calculate the effective bandwidth to maintain an error at less than a specified value from the single-pole, closed-loop, frequency-response model of the amplifier. It would be useful to calculate the effective bandwidth from specifications such as gain bandwidth that are commonly available in a data sheet. The relationship of an amplifier’s closed-loop bandwidth being equal to the gain bandwidth divided by the gain is true for noninverting amplifiers and approximately true for inverting amplifiers.

  The next consideration is what basis to use in defining the maximum amplitude error. In almost all systems, the analog portion of the signal path ends at the input of an ADC, and, by extension, the resolution of the ADC defines the error of interest. This article uses an error of ½ LSB of the ADC’s resolution as the maximum error. As the resolution of the ADC increases, the maximum error decreases. Table 1 shows the ½-LSB error for ADC resolutions of 8 to 18 bits.

  To easily evaluate the effect of the single-pole model on the gain error as a function of frequency, you calculate a normalized single-pole function. This calculation places the pole at 1 Hz, which represents the –3-dB loss in closed-loop gain, with an ideal closed-loop gain of one, or 0 dB. Using this single-pole model, you calculate the frequency for a gain error less than or equal to the specified error. You can then calculate the effective bandwidth in terms of the –3-dB bandwidth of the closed-loop gain of the amplifier you are evaluating. Keep in mind that the –3-dB point is almost a 30% gain error and that the bandwidth is smaller with a lower error specification.

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关键词: 性能 改进 补偿



